Текст.He's a real nowhere man
Sitting in his nowhere land
Making all his nowhere plans for nobody
Doesn't have a point of view
Knows not where he's going to
Isn't he a bit like you and me?
Nowhere Man, please listen
You don't know what you're missing
Nowhere Man, the world is at your command
He's as blind as he can be
Just sees what he wants to see
Nowhere Man can you see me at all?
Nowhere Man, don't worry
Take your time, don't hurry
Leave it all till somebody else lends you a hand
Doesn't have a point of view
Knows not where he's going to
Isn't he a bit like you and me?
Nowhere Man, please listen
You don't know what you're missing
Nowhere Man, the world is at your command
He's a real Nowhere Man
Sitting in his nowhere land
Making all his nowhere plans for nobody
Making all his nowhere plans for nobody
Making all his nowhere plans for nobodyУже два дня меня разве что не у порога ждёт моя жёлтая субмарина. И я решил: а почему бы, собственно, и не Джереми?
Господи как же для него не хватает здесь цветов.В общем, этот гражданин нетривиальной наружности пытается делать ВСЁ. И, если уж судить по починенному им моторчику субмарины, действительно могёт. Но он ужасно недооценён.
И да, я продолжаю страдать хернёй, набрасывая на коленке. Потому что чо б нет-то.
Jeremy And Footnotes by
crazy-alchemist on
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